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Uzbekistan is implementing important initiatives in the field of climate change

Uzbekistan is implementing important initiatives in the field of climate change

The next United Nations Climate Change Conference — COP29 - will be held in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, from November 11 to 22 this year. Uzbekistan will actively participate in this event with proposals and initiatives aimed at effectively solving climate problems.

It is worth noting that the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Miromonovich Mirziyoyev, at the COP28 Conference held in Dubai (UAE) noted that it is possible to effectively combat climate change only by combining efforts and broad international cooperation, and put forward a number of initiatives. In particular, the head of state stressed that Uzbekistan stands for the early coordination of the Global Framework Mechanism in the field of Adaptation to Climate Change within the framework of the Paris Agreement and said that an Adaptation Strategy is being developed on the platform of the Central Asian Dialogue on Climate Change.

This initiative has been successfully implemented over the past period. The "Regional Climate Change Adaptation Strategy in Central Asia" was developed by the countries of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan within the framework of the project of the German Society for International Cooperation with the support of the Green Central Asia initiative.

The High-Level "Central Asian Dialogue on Climate Change and  Resilience" has been formed, consisting of ministers and deputy ministers of environmental protection agencies of Central Asia.

Also at the UN Climate Change Conference (COP28), held in Dubai from November 30 to December 12, 2023, a pavilion of Central Asian countries was organized, where events were held on a number of topics related to the climate agenda. Within the framework of COP 28, the Regional Climate Change Adaptation Strategy for Central Asia and the Regional Statement of the Central Asian Countries were presented.

The participants of the "Central Asian Dialogue on Climate Change and  Resilience" took an active part in the events organized within the framework of the conference. The issue of promoting the initiative to create a Central Asian negotiating Group to participate in the negotiation processes of the conferences of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change was considered.

On May 27, 2024, meetings of the Working Group on the Implementation of the Regional Climate Change Adaptation Strategy for Central Asia were held in Almaty and on July 25 in Tashkent.

In addition, during Cop28, the President noted the need for widespread use of scientific achievements in the fight against climate change and took the initiative to create a Climate Science Forum (residence) on the basis of the "Green University" in Tashkent and study within its framework the problems of land degradation, water use, and food security.

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated July 23, 2024 No. 106 “On the establishment of the Climate Council under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan”, as well as in order to increase scientific and academic potential and develop fundamental research, a Climate Residence was established at the Central Asian University of Environmental and Climate Change Studies (Green University). Currently, its concept, the charter, and the conditions of admission to the scientific residence have been developed.

Today, the Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography (IfL) and the Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development have applied to participate in the research residency.

In addition, the head of our state put forward a number of initiatives at Cop28, such as the global transition to a low-carbon economy, the transformation of the Aral Sea region from an environmental crisis zone into a "zone of innovation, technology, and new opportunities" based on a resolution of the UN General Assembly, and the creation of an international expo hub for climate technologies here. Practical actions regarding these initiatives are also underway today. 

In particular, in connection with the creation of the international Exhibition Center for Climate Technologies, the Ministry of Ecology has developed the concept of the International Innovation Center for Climate Technologies of the Aral Sea region. A conceptual presentation and technical conditions have been prepared for the selection of a contractor for the development of a master plan of the territory. Negotiations were held with international companies specializing in territorial planning.

At the same time, a draft resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, “On additional measures to introduce environmental innovations and climate technologies in the Aral Sea region for the period up to 2030," has been prepared. Practical efforts on this and other initiatives are currently ongoing.

At the same time, a draft Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On additional measures to introduce environmental innovations and climate technologies in the Aral Sea region for the period up to 2030" has been prepared. According to the project, in order to support "Ecological entrepreneurship", it is planned to create an "Expo hub" of climate technologies, "Aral Valley" (The Aral Valley), specializing in the cultivation of plant species resistant to local climatic conditions, processing, and production of export products. In addition, it is planned to organize an international selection of startup projects for the cultivation, import, and creation of plantations of seeds and seedlings of ecological products, attract local and foreign investors to implement projects, and create and support the allocation of preferential loans for these enterprises. At the same time, it is planned to organize the Climate Expo exhibition dedicated to ensuring climate stability and environmental problems in the Aral Sea region, involve the international community in the sustainable development of the "Priaralye", as well as create an open-air "Aral Nature Laboratory" in the Muynak district.

Based on suggestions and recommendations, the planned activities may undergo additions and changes to further improve the draft resolution.

The head of our state will also put forward a number of relevant initiatives within the framework of COP 29, which is hosted by Baku. Uzbekistan will undoubtedly make every effort and opportunity to implement these initiatives, overcome climate problems and mitigate the effects of climate change.


